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Re: NO medication IS better

Re: NO medication IS better2011-10-14T13:16:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta NO medication IS better Re: NO medication IS better


Post count: 913

Hyper? Agreed – myth. Sugar, no, protein, yeah.

Drugs? They act differently on different people, and at different doses. That’s only a couple of the possible drugs, there are so many others now.

For me, I’ve gone 54 years with no meds, and it sucks. I’m HOPING something will help. It’s cost me a lot to be this way and not have any treatment. The docs, esp the N-P says he’s all for treatment with meds, among OTHER things.

Being off his meds almost cost my son his life. Being on them helps him – a LOT.

I’ve tried two different meds, side effects, yes, help, no. but that was just 2 of the many possibilities.

I must eat after getting up. For one thing, it’s the best thing in the world to eat and get the metabolism going right away. Scientists, nutritionists, doctors, MOST of them agree -breakfast is the single most important meal of the day. I found that by eating a decent balanced breakfast every morning, I LOST weight! Yes, LOST weight. It got my body charged. Exercise first thing is also best. Late evening or after work, no, do it early. There was a lot of discussion about these two things when I was a farmer – we’d meet at the coop and compare notes – most farmers will tell you exercise and breakfast first thing means your day will be much better.

At this point, I’d give up the last 5 years of my life to have a little of it under control and live the other remaining years at my best.

But that’s me.

Anyone who can deal with it not being on meds, that’s fine. I will never tell anyone they really need them. In my case, I do. But if you have found ways – bravo, and I wish you only the very best.