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Re: NO medication IS better

Re: NO medication IS better2011-12-05T15:49:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta NO medication IS better Re: NO medication IS better


Post count: 913

Being a tried and true, dyed in the wool car person, I can relate to MPH in but one fashion – GO REALLY FAST!

So can someone help – what’s MPH in non-automotive terms?

My favorite MPH is about 85………….. but I tend to get tickets for that.

Frankly, I see at least 3 scenarios:

A. Mild ADD, or ADD where the person has symptoms they can control at least to an extent, or can control with aid of a coach, devices, adaptive technology, whatever. Lower end of the spectrum, more highly functional

B. Middle of the road ADD where the symptoms are pretty severe or debilitating, tried the non-med methods, not much luck, goes on meds, gets brain re-trained with adaptive technology, coaching, habit changes, etc. and can eventually wean off meds

C. Higher severity or where the symptoms are combined in such a way that no other method seems to work for the long term (me, tried other ways) Meds help some of the symptoms, not all – not all meds work well, have to keep trying different meds, combinations, doses, etc. – will probably need them for life, although some symptoms may be helped with changes in habits and “crutches” other than meds.

Probably some in between the above, but like other issues that affect the human condition – we’re all different. My wife any I both got sick after the same party. Same thing, the doc says, yet she got sick in the gut a lot worse, me, I’m dizzy, tired, worn out, throat and sinus problems. She was in the bathroom all last week. This weekend it came back, and again, the symptoms differ although it’s the same bug.

The flu kills some, for others it is a minor annoyance and they don’t miss work. I missed 1 day, she missed 2.

So how can we say something as complex as ADD impacting something as complex as the brain has a single solution?