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Re: Drawing a series of blanks.

Re: Drawing a series of blanks.2011-11-07T02:02:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Drawing a series of blanks. Re: Drawing a series of blanks.


Post count: 285

Hi John,

I’m not sure if 1 1/2 years is a very long time – think about it – hypothetically, if you were 10 years old and got treatment, how much of a career or life goals would you be expected to have by age 11 1/2? Kids have to start to find out what their means and opportunity are, and hopefully find a direction to move in, but it takes a long time to do that. We have to dream big, realize our limitations, grieve about that, recover, see our strengths, scan the horizons for how those strengths can translate into action… try new things at random to see what happens…

You said: “At this point, there’s nothing that I’ve missed out on that I still have the means or opportunity to do.” – I would say, maybe there are things you haven’t noticed in the past – things you do have the means and opportunity to do – you would have to begin looking, and looking, and looking – keeping your eyes and ears open, experimenting, and never giving up. This world is infinite!

I hope that didn’t sound too squishy – I can really relate to what you’re saying, and I’m struggling to fill in the blanks myself. You got me all inspired :) Welcome to the site!
