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Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself

Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself2011-10-30T02:54:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself


Post count: 913

I’ve got that high-IQ issue, and that’s what the school psychologists blamed my behavour on when I was young – they said I was too smart for my class, was bored, etc. etc. They didn’t diagnose ADHD then.

Further, my mother has a very high IQ – and she predicted, accurately I might add, that’s due to my high IQ, I’d have trouble relating to or getting along with others (a lot like Einstein did)

I’m VERY impatient with folks that “don’t get it” are aren’t all that smart. I try, but can’t help it – and it’s very irritating when I find myself being that way with friends.

The neuropsychologist who recently diagnosed and tested the bejiggers outta me said that I don’t bond well or relate well to other people, I never form strong bonds with others. Accurate. I’d had – and lost track of a lot of friends. If one moves away, it has little impact on me. (he said my wife was the exception and he saw a very strong bond there – uh, yeah!)

He also said I was a VERY strong visual learner, and with a picture or diagram, would be able to “get” something very fast. Yeah, but don’t give me WRITTEN instructions – as although technically I’m a skilled reader, and did great at reading in school – instructions are a lot different. I’ve got to read them several times – but once I see how something should look in the end, I can figure it out.

I can fix almost anything – I’ve wired houses, built buildings, repair anything about any car, old or new, do all my own plumbing, held a maintenance electrician license with a near-by city, I’ve painted cars, I’ve farmed. Pretty much everything I know or know how to do, I got there on my own. But I seem to rub “bosses” the wrong way – EXCEPT for one I had in the 1990s. He thought the world of me and took good care of me. In one review he asked how much of a raise I thought I deserved. I told him 10K. I got it. I was never trained in computers – yet an now an IT network security administrator. I used to repair notebook computers – down to the board and component level – with no training. I just figured it out. The boss back then told me I could set up shop in an airport and make a mint fixing notebooks for travelling business people.

sugargremlin hit on why I can get jobs – and with only a couple exceptions, I typically get what I go after. I’ve not had to try hard to get a job. I typically turn down offers if I decide I don’t like the sound of it.

Sell, I can sell – but I HATE selling as I don’t like to deal with people in that way. Odd for a fellow who used to have a very successful retail store, eh? KEEPING jobs – well, that’s another story. Maybe that’s why I’ve had so many!

Man, sugargremlin, a lot of your post – including the middle paragraph, really describes me very accurately!! WOW, do you work in our building or something?? You seem to be describing me.

I can even relate to thegameguy (although I don’t like to play games – literally)

Germany could have cleaned our clocks in technology in the 1900s – and very nearly cleaned our clocks in the war. We got lucky, that was all.

Even today, their auto technology blows us away by a very long ways. We aren’t even CLOSE to them in automotive. They had jet technology before we did. Recording tapes – such as the 8 track tape? Thank a German. We STOLE that as a “spoil of war”.

As far as highest over-all IQ, it’s the Asians. They have the highest IQs. They are also superior at “spacial thinking”. The U.S. is sort of in the middle generally.