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Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?

Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?2011-11-23T17:05:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX? Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?


Post count: 14413

What I would also suggest is that one be screened for sleep disorders since they can mimic ADHD symptoms. It doesn’t have to be a sleep study, just that the doctor does the due diligence of asking about one’s sleep. There are simple questionnaires available just like there are for ADHD. In some cases, the meds for a sleep disorder are the same as would be prescribed for ADHD, but there might be more going on than just ADHD and meds for that might just be masking a greater problem.