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Re: People have suggested I have ADHD, do I?

Re: People have suggested I have ADHD, do I?2012-01-02T23:33:28+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am People have suggested I have ADHD, do I? Re: People have suggested I have ADHD, do I?


Post count: 1096

Hi Riserva – I’m also from the UK (don’t worry no-dopamine, it’s only 23.25 here at the moment!).

Your symptoms certainly sound as if you’ve got ADHD – especially if you’ve had them all your life – as opposed to just whilst at university. If that was the case I’d suggest you review your subject.

You should go to your university study support unit – there should be one. They will be able to help you – or should anyway. You should be diagnosed properly though so you can get extra time in exams and with coursework. BUT once you hit 18 it’s difficult in the UK to get a diagnosis. Try your GP though and explain you need a referral to somewhere like the Maudsley – they I THINK will see you on the NHS (but you’d need to ask). Any psych that you are referred to will want to know how you are physically, so start with your GP and get some basic tests done to rule out physical things. But if your GP diagnoses depression, ask to see a specialist! They’re good at diagnosing depression in the UK for everything!!!

Some UK universities that are attached to medical schools have research studies into ADHD that you might be able to make use of in order to get a diagnosis if you have the bottle to ask them.

I had to go privately and it cost a lot – a bit less than what you paid for your bike though!

Do as no-dopamine suggests and do the virtual test on this site. That will give you a starting point for discussion with your GP or with your university study support people.