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Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?

Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?2012-02-25T19:33:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication? Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?


Post count: 802

Good luck, Joyce. We drove to the other side of the country for our son’s diagnosis and stayed overnight. It was well worth it. To work with someone who understands how complex this can be is so important yet can be so difficult to find.

He was given the Weschler scale for children. It tested verbal IQ and practical ability, broken into subtests to enable specific strengths and weaknesses to be shown. My son is highly gifted but he ranged from being in the top 0.1% on verbal skills to being in the bottom 10% on some of the practical stuff, demonstrating his visual attention and motor skill problems quite clearly.

Such a huge discrepancy between abilities and problems can cause a lot of behaviours that look very much like ADD or asperger’s. However, I suspect that in time my son will probably be diagnosed with ADHD too. Until he’s in a position where school will actually deal with the asynchronous development and he’s being challenged enough in class it’s impossible to work out though, so we’re in a sort of limbo at the moment.

Complicated isn’t it! good luck with your lovely boy.