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Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers

Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers2012-05-11T15:30:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers


Post count: 51

The thing is no researchers are looking for the upsides of adhd, they are looking for the deficits. It needs to be taken into account that our experience does count.

There are good reasons to find positives about adhd, not the least being that if there are ‘none’ then it’s been shown in studies that acceptance of ADHD as a disability and willingness to accomodate it will be lessened when there is ‘no hope’.

I understand that the whole feel good positivity vibe which is a staple of the adhd satellite businesses cost us a lot in terms of being recognized by labelling adhd as a gift. I’m not a fan of the positivity crowd and their ‘adhd is a cheer deficit’ mantra, I don’t need happy thoughts, I’m by nature optimisitic and that has been as much to my detriment as anything else because my attitude of ‘things will get better and better’ has flown in the face of reality.

Yes, we do need to take the disorder seriously but demanding that research be provided for positive benefits is intellectually dishonest as everyone knows there is precisious little and that isn’t what researchers are charged with looking for. It’s a disservice to people with adhd to say that our actual experience is of no significance, and reminds me of how many ‘psychosomatic’ illnesses have later been shown to be not only real but cause great suffering. The it’s not real until there’s proof causes needless suffering and in the end works against us.