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Re: Television Addiction

Re: Television Addiction2012-06-24T00:38:50+00:00

Post count: 845

I know what you mean. For me, it’s like in the ADD and Loving it video where Patrick is in the hardware store buying screen for a window, glances at the tv, and can’t tear himself away. (And also like the part just before where Patrick is appearing to hold a conversation with Rick and his mind is going all over the place with an occasional comment to Rick who thinks Patrick is intently paying attention. Who doesn’t do that?)

Anyway ADD is causing your TV addiction . . . and the TV is probably making it worse in the sense that you watch the tv when you should be doing something else.

You might try doing this at night. Turn off everything and pretend your electricity is off. (Like the last time you forgot to pay the bill.) Then you’ll have to find something else to do like:

read by candlelight

soak in the bathtub

open the window and listen to the sounds outside

spend quality time with the cat