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Re: Extended Family Members

Re: Extended Family Members2012-07-02T04:12:34+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Extended Family Members Re: Extended Family Members


Post count: 162

Boy, that could have been me doing the criticizing as a young adult. As I have mentioned before, I think I was lucky enough to find ways to overcome many ADD symptoms without even knowing I had it. The problem is that developing beneficial practices and coping skills is only half of the battle. You are living life on thin ice, and the number of people who are/were successful, but get diagnosed later in life after some sort of crisis are a testament to this.

For me, the ups and downs of life taught have me to be less judgmental and more compassionate. Sadly the judgmental political atmosphere of today rubs off on many people making it hard for them to see shades of grey, or recognize the reality of a situation.

I remember coworkers who sound very much like your grandson. Clinically we may both have ADHD, but being of the inattentive type myself, I would not have recognized that we suffered from the same disorder. Without doing a lot of reading, your daughter will not understand how much, and at the same time how little she has in common with your grandson.