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Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?

Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?2012-07-21T23:49:31+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other Poll: How do you support yourself financially? Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?


Post count: 14413

Haha, I’ll let you know how the meeting goes RSG.

Getting back on the work front, I did a lot of menial jobs during school and college and absolutely hated it. I felt so bored and was a hopeless shop assistant and waitress. I could never remember orders and was so disorganised- I was fired from one job because i was so bad at it. I have worked full time in office jobs for quite a long time, like 3 to 4 years and found that really boring too. I stuck with it out because of financial necessity and coped only by working towards a specific goal, like saving to travel. The other thing I did was move into different roles within the same company to stem the boredom and still have a decent looking resume.

However (apart from inconsistent money flow) I find working on a contract basis is ideal for my ADHD brain. I get to work on different projects every few months, with different co-workers and different locations. I don’t get involved in office politics or have to sit in on too many boring meetings. Better still, I’m usually hired due to severe staff shortages so everyone is grateful to have me there and will overlook any shortcomings. My focus and productivity have increased a lot since taking medication and working in so many changing situations that keep me interested.