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Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?

Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?2012-07-22T00:32:27+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other Poll: How do you support yourself financially? Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?


Post count: 430

I make my living, working in IT. In the last 27 years, I have had 16 jobs. This would be not too bad, but I have spent about 7-8 of those 27 years unemployed, while looking for my next job. I call it “Looking for my next, last job”. I have never quit a job, because they always get tired of me before I get tired of them.

I can’t retire, because I have lived off all my savings and investments, just to make it where I am today.

I am really good with investments, and spot trends and financial pitfalls very easily. When I work, I put everything into my investments. Which is less and less all the time.

I can’t take vacations, because I have so much debt to pay off, because of the long periods of unemployment. I drive older cars, because I can’t afford to save for a new one, nor can I handle any new car payments. I don’t eat out or watch movies in the theater. I pack my lunch to work, when I work and take the buss to work to save gas.

One time, I was out of work so long, I started scouting out places I could park my car so I could live out of it “While I got back on my feet”

I just found out that I am being under-paid by about $30,000. When I took this job and I didn’t negotiate anything. I was so happy NOT to be on unemployment, I took it. When the economy gets better, who knows? I may quit my first job, to get another!

I have very few if any friends anymore. ADD and unemployment took care of that. I think my friends are convinced the two are contagious.