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Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?

Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?2012-07-22T13:01:05+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other Poll: How do you support yourself financially? Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?


Post count: 229

I’m so glad I started this thread, to give everyone a place to maybe vent, and also so that I can feel better knowing that I’m not alone.

Yes, what an entirely ridiculous coupling, the underemployment and/or menial job along with the fiscal irresponsibility.

I, too, am a horrible impulse shopper. Just yesterday I went into a store with a list (literal list) of a few specific things I needed, and then, as if possessed, I found myself going and looking at all kinds of other things. I walked out of there with a cart full of stuff. Partly, it’s driven by my perfectionism. I’m never pleased with anything, always looking to do/get something better.

That idea of trying to only get what I need instead of what I want rang so true. Just thinking about it makes me depressed, though.

I, too, have the experience of running out of money every month, and the horrible overdraft fees! It is so frustrating and embarrassing. It makes you feel like a total loser.

I know I am capable of bringing in so much more money than I do, but I have not been able to sustain any professional job, despite my education and talents.

So, everybody, I hear ya.

I realize this was probably a sensitive (read: nosy) question to ask, but I’m so glad that others opened up and answered.