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Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?

Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?2012-10-17T14:19:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control? Re: Any tips for keeping those library books and fines under control?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Scattybird, unless that audiobook you’re listening to is a highly salacious romance novel from Silver Publishing, with very graphic descriptions of the intercourse, then I’m not the one who narrated it!

To keep track of the due dates of your library books, you could use bright neon-coloured, super-sticky Post-It notes. When you get each book home, write the due date, MINUS ONE DAY, on a Post-It note, in bold, black Sharpie marker. Then, stick the note to the front cover of the book. The super-sticky Post-It note will stay stuck to the book, so you can’t miss it. And it will serve as a constant reminder of when you need to return the book.
