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Re: how do you called a person who is seeing a number, but it is another one ?

Re: how do you called a person who is seeing a number, but it is another one ?2012-11-03T07:55:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community how do you called a person who is seeing a number, but it is another one ? Re: how do you called a person who is seeing a number, but it is another one ?


Post count: 146


I re read what he wrote and it is inserting different numbers. I do more of the transposing but have inserted different numbers and or words into places as well. In any case I was just excited that I’m not the only one who does these types of things. Not in a misery loves company sort of way.

So I checked out the site for the dyslexie font and it did show an example of transposing numbers and letters. I don’t flip them around or see them as backwards. Just the shifting thing. And sometimes but not as often insert numbers. I do it with 3’s 6 and 8. All have similar open spaces and shapes. I’ve never been tested for an LD. Just ADHD diagnosis. But I know that LDs are very common with ADD/HD.

It is just so frustrating being in midlife in a career for over a decade and still being called on the carpet for simple mistakes and ones where I have slowed down, double triple checked and still have mistakes. I try to have a proof reader when I can but some projects move too quickly.

I remember being taught to predict what the next word will be, so as to start to comprehend the sentence. But I think your right it does lead you brain to jump to conclusions about what it thinks it should be not what is. That maybe part of the problem.

The majority of my anxiety comes from going back over completed work because I’m afraid I’ve missed something. Again. Just want it to stop at this point in my life. I will try the stop and question thing. Which I have done in a way but need to slow it down in more mindful way.