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Reply To: Easy and Hard Tasks at Work

Reply To: Easy and Hard Tasks at Work2013-10-24T15:34:28+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Easy and Hard Tasks at Work Reply To: Easy and Hard Tasks at Work


Post count: 169

What if you can’t determine what you enjoy to do? Or what you enjoy changes often? Also, some things are too general to easily translate into a job. For example, many people enjoy working with computers, but that doesn’t mean they should be programmers or web developers. The fact that they like to work with computers is too general to be used to narrow down selection of a profession.

I can relate to those in a situation where you have become proficient at what you do (mostly office and computer work in my case) even when you know that it is neither an ideal fit for the ADHD mind (repetitive tasks, data entry, few hard deadlines, etc.) nor is the work all that stimulating.