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WEIGHT & VYVANSE2013-10-24T22:43:12+00:00

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    Post count: 8

    Hi all

    i just started vyvanse 30 mg 2 days ago … i was wondering if anyone of you have experienced weight loss … if yes in how many time? How much did you loose?

    i dont take this to loose weight i was just wondering because i read that it was an amphetamine…

    thank you all



    Post count: 906

    Hi @vyv, welcome. 🙂

    Vyvanse is indeed an amphetamine, so it would make sense that weight loss would be a side effect. I have not taken though, so I can’t say.

    In my case it would be a good thing. Which is why I can’t understand my doctor’s refusal to put me on amphetamines after years of harping on me about my weight.

    But if it is something that you are concerned about you should mention it to your doctor. And keep a journal to record any changes in your weight and your appetite and whatever else you think might be worth noting.


    Post count: 68

    It is a documented possible side effect. I’ve been on 40mg for about 5 months now and I lost about 7 lbs the first month (I’m overweight so that’s really not much). Then no further affect on appetite. Anecdotal- take with a grain of salt. It may have been that I was in a really good place and was eating less just because I was happy.

    If you’re on the correct dosage it shouldn’t make you speedy. If you start losing rapidly you definitely need to discuss with a doctor.


    Post count: 8



    thank you for your reply, actually i completely lost appetite since i started i have to force myself to eat because if i dont i dont eat at all. I dont have a weight balance at home so i guess ill have to wait next month for my next appointement with my psychiatrist.

    wanderquest can you tell what did you notice the first times you took vyvanse, the changes etc.





    Post count: 68

    The first day I felt like I had drank a whole pot of coffee, except without the shakes and without the anxiety. So basically just the energy. I could feel it when it finally got to my brain-I felt lifted up, in really good spirits, excited about life. It was basically like an all day hyperfocus for the first few days. Got tons of stuff done.

    I was actually a little worried it was too strong for me in the beginning because I was so “up” and lost my appetite, then when it wore off in the evening I got a headache and was cranky.  But after just a few days it sorta normalized.

    Now I don’t really feel it “kick in” I just know that I have the motivation to start work tasks that I used to procrastinate for hours about.  I wouldn’t say it’s helped my organization any, but I get less distracted and can get things done in a more timely manner.

    It’s not a cure-all miracle drug, I still definitely have issues, but I can certainly tell it has helped with keeping me on task at work. And this may sound silly, but I notice things more often. Things that used to blend into the background I’m actually aware of.

    I used to leave my office to go somewhere and have to come back in 5 or 6 times a week because I forgot keys, phone, something. I think I’ve only done that a handful of times since I started taking the medicine. It’s a small thing, but there are lots of small things and they add up.


    Post count: 8

    Hi thanks for your reply,


    yeah the first day i was like SUPERWOMAN and had SO MUCH focus and concentration … but on day 2 and day 3 didnt get the focus i was suppose to get i am very lunatic…


    Post count: 906

    I would say give it a few more days and see if you start to feel a little more balanced.  Unless you start to have really severe side effects. I’m not sure what you mean by “very lunatic”, but it doesn’t sound like a good thing.

    I hope I can get on medication soon.  It would be nice just to have super powers for a few days so I can get the house all cleaned up before Christmas. And then maybe be able to keep it clean. The plan was to have it all cleaned up by Halloween, but that plan isn’t going well.


    Post count: 845

    My plan was to wait until after Y2K in the event that my time wouldn’t be wasted should the world end, then it was the Mayan calendar thing, now I’m waiting on the US to pay off its national debt .  .  .


    Post count: 906

    Well, as long as your not holding your breath…

    I assume you are talking about plans to clean/organize?  I used to do it twice a year, Christmas and Easter. But the last couple of years I haven’t managed to stick to that schedule.

    I spent Y2K watching the new year being rung in all over the world. Stayed up all night then went out and took a picture of the sunrise in the morning. I didn’t do anything special for the end of the Mayan calendar. If I remember correctly I slept through it.


    Post count: 1

    I was recently diagnosed with ADD combined type. Also on 30mg of Vyvanse. I do not have any major ‘energy pickup’ issues. I just feel more in tune with the rest of the world.  I did lose about 7lbs pretty quickly the first couple weeks. My appetite is definitely decreased.

    One thing I want to talk with my doctor about is that I only get about 8 productive hours from the med, which means that some days I take it later in the morning than usual, as my schedule varies so much. I wonder if that is a good thing or bad?

    I am also on lamotrigine and naltrexone. My life crashed about 3 months ago and then burned when I started drinking more to numb out my feelings of frustration, anger and self-loathing. My psych said this is typical behavior for ADD….(ADDictions) so I am going thru a lot right now. I am 100% sober now and ready to focus (ha ha) on what I’ve missed out on.




    Post count: 4

    A year ago i was diagnosed with ADHD and was  prescribed Vyvanse to help me focus on my school work. When i’m on it i notice a huge difference in not only my focus but my appetite and weight as well. After starting Vyvanse i was able to focus on getting my mathwork done, something i had never been able to do before! I managed to keep an A in math the WHOLE year and was even offered the opportunity to bump up to a higher class. All of this came as an extreme shock to me because all throughout elementary and my first two years of middle school math had always been my worst subject. In my last year of middle school i received extremely good PSAT scores, a junior scholars award and i finished off the year with all A’s.

    However, i also noticed that i had a decrease in appetite. I’ve always been one of those people that ate when they were bored but luckily it never really affected my weight. This being said, as soon as i started the Vyvanse i stopped snacking when i was bored and found out that i had lost at least 16 pounds since i had been weighed last. Although it had been almost a year since i had been weighed last.  Anyways, once summer rolled around it became difficult to continue taking my meds on schedule and so i stopped taking them. Summer is coming to an end for me now and about two weeks ago i weighed myself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom so that the results would be more accurate and discovered that i had gained 10 pounds since i stopped taking the Vyvanse. This left me at 130 pounds and a little disappointed. After that discovery i realized that my appetite had been larger all summer, resulting in my weight gain. With school starting soon i realized that i needed to start taking my medications again so that my body can get used to them by the time school starts, so i started taking my meds again two days ago.  I got up this morning, went to the bathroom and then weighed myself and i’ve lost 2 pounds in two days. This isn’t very accurate seeing as how it’s that time of the month and bloating currently factors into my weight but its still a difference.

    With all of that being said, Vyvanse definitely causes weight loss and helps with concentration but i don’t recommend taking it just so that you can lose weight. Vyvanse is a prescription drug for those with ADHD and ADD, some doctors may use it to treat other things but according to my doctor it should only be taken when diagnosed with such disorders.

    Hope this helps,



    Post count: 1

    About a month ago I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Vyvanse. Being the fact that I am a highschool student, the motives of me taking this were questionable. My starting weight was 117 lbs. I am 5 ft. 1 so I’m small. I started on 30 milligrams a day.

    The first day I did not eat breakfast because I never eat breakfast. I took the pill at around 7:40. At around 9 that morning I could really feel it kick in. I had never been so focused in my entire life. I did notice that throughout the whole day I had no appetite whatsoever. If you actually knew me you would know that I ate like a horse. I do have a very high metabilism though. I felt no need to eat so I didn’t.

    At around 4 that afternoon, I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I did start to notice that the more I did notice that the more I ate t throughout the day, the faster it wore off.  The level of focus I had earlier had completely worn off. I had a headache and was very irritable which is unlike me, I am a very bubbly and happy person. I tried to eat that night but after I ate I ended up throwing up. I started Vyvanse about 2 weeks before my finals. I had never done well on state exams nor could I ever focus. After 4 days of taking Vyvanse, I couldn’t feel the “kick in” anymore. I still had motivation to do things but I didn’t have the burst of energy I had before. I did end up acing my finals and I know that if it wasn’t for Vyvanse I wouldn’t have been able to do so.

    I didn’t really eat a lot. The doctor told me to get a scale and track my weight weekly. I was 117, then 114, then 111. I had a small appetite after I got adjusted to the medicine but it wasn’t like my normal one. My mood swings were TERRIBLE and Vyvanse did throw my cycle off completely. After my finals it was winter break. I was on it the entire time but I couldn’t “feel” the medicine at all.

    It was time for my monthly ADHD visit at the docotors office. When they took my weight I was 109.8. I had noticed myself getting bonier. A lot of my friends and family thought I was sick because of the way I looked. I told my doctor about the side effects and the way I couldn’t feel it working anymore. My dosage got upped to 40 milligrams.

    My level of focus has been sharper than before and I’m constantly full of energy. Before Vyvanse I had trouble sleeping. The doctor said it could make that issue worse. It didn’t. I take the pill at around 7:40 every morning and it wears off at around 7 that night. I do feel a “crash” as some might call it but the “crash” puts me to sleep. My body is able to shut down.

    I am now 107 pounds and my main concern is that I’m about to get to 100 pounds or below. Before Vyvanse I had a “thick” build and I was okay with it. I was never one of those girls who wanted to be “pencil thin”. I still have no appetite (I do get forced to eat) and I know my stomach has shrunken because it doesn’t take a lot to fill me up.

    My stomach is very flat, my cheek bones are sunken in, and  my collar bones and shoulder blades are a lot more visible.

    As much as I love the level of focus I get ( I am able to maintain an A  or B average in every class and my GPA is a 3.5) , I am still a 15 year old and everyone says it’s not healthy for me to lose weight the way I am. I am being accused of being anorexic or belemic. Should I stop taking Vyvanse or force myself to eat? Help is needed.


    Post count: 4

    I was originally diagnosed with ADHD in my last few years of college. I was put on 20mg Adderall and it opened doors to me, I wish I had started the meds back in high school. I did actually lose about 20 pounds on Adderall. Sadly, I ran into substance abuse after college and was forced to stop treatment. Recently, with the substance issues long behind me, I’ve started on 30mg of Vyvanese and I’m hopeful, based on the first two days of appetite suppression, that I may be able to shed some of the weight I gained after stopping Adderall. I could stand to lose 10-20 pounds again and still be healthy. Here’s to hoping.

    On a side note, I initially resumed treatment with Ritalin and it was awful, the ups and downs, the roller coaster and inconsistent effects each day. Vyvanese seems to be much closer to what I remember Adderall doing for me. The effects are subtle at 30mg though, so in 30 days I’m going to ask about going to 50 or 60 mg.

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