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Reply To: I don't understand the emo roller coaster

Reply To: I don't understand the emo roller coaster2013-10-29T08:12:29+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer I don't understand the emo roller coaster Reply To: I don't understand the emo roller coaster


Post count: 68

The angry outbursts are something I’m guilty of. I get frustrated with something and don’t even realize I’m in the cranky red zone. When my husband has had enough of my stomping around an huffing he’ll sometimes ask me “why are you so angry?!” and that makes me even madder because I feel like I’m being attacked.

It’s obviously not his fault and he shouldn’t have to put up with me taking stuff out on him, but more often than not I don’t even realize I’m in a bad mood until he points it out. It helps me when he phrases it differently though.

Instead of, “WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY!!!!” (to which I instantly put up boxing gloves) something calmer like, “you look like you could use a hug”  is a lot more effective. It diffuses the bomb instead of throwing gas on a fire.