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Reply To: My experience (so far) with Wellbutrin / Buproprion

Reply To: My experience (so far) with Wellbutrin / Buproprion2013-11-18T22:47:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants My experience (so far) with Wellbutrin / Buproprion Reply To: My experience (so far) with Wellbutrin / Buproprion


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

One little correction: According to Drugs.com, Wellbutrin is an “atypical anti-depressant”, not a stimulant.

That means “it works differently from most other anti-depressants”. It seems like part of that “difference” is that it can help with ADHD symptoms in some people.

It’s always best to ask your doctor and/or pharmacist any medication-related questions.

Even though it can be really interesting to hear other ADDers’ experiences with a particular med, just remember, “Your Mileage May Vary”.