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Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?

Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?2013-12-12T22:13:13+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened? Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?


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I informed my supervisor and the head of HR that I have ADD and that I just wanted them to know.  I said that I was not currently seeking accommodation.  I let them know some of the traits.  I have worked for this company for 20 years and have been treated for ADD for the past 8 years.  30 days later I was fired for “failure to meet employers standard of job performance”  No discussions about performance.  No write ups.  Had a record sales year. No discussion about reasonable accommodations.  Done.  See ya, bye bye.

Any thoughts?