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Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?

Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?2013-12-13T09:53:43+00:00

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No negative reviews.  I was in management and our location had just broken our all-time sales record by more than 40% for the year.  We have 3 salesman at our location (including me) and we just had 1 guy resign (30 days prior to my letter) and move into a different career, so we were down 1 guy at the time.  I informed my boss and the HR director by email with a word document attached.  I was smart enough to forward the email to my personal email the day they let me go so I would have a copy of it.

I was told to my face that the company “was going in a new direction”.  But my unemployment paperwork filed with the State said “failure to meet employers standard of job performance”.

I would have thought that they would have needed to ask me about a reasonable accommodation before just firing me for poor performance.  At least that is what I understand the law to be.