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Reply To: My ADDamant Stand Against Marriage – Am I Wrong?

Reply To: My ADDamant Stand Against Marriage – Am I Wrong?2015-01-31T08:12:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? My ADDamant Stand Against Marriage – Am I Wrong? Reply To: My ADDamant Stand Against Marriage – Am I Wrong?


Post count: 1096

lindsey3 – hello.

Your comment about viewing partners as ‘add-ons’ really struck a chord with me.  I think you are spot-on there. I never really thought about that before, but I often feel like I am watching aspects of my life going on, but they aren’t really part of ME. It’s a bit like acting in a scene of a play and then being allowed to get on with my life again.  There are many add-ons and these usually relate to people who aren’t on my wave length but with whom I have to have dealings.  People I meet that are similar to me don’t feel like add-ons.

I also agree about packed lunches….. How do they find the time?  Anytime I have been organised enough to do a packed lunch (not often), I usually forget I have it and find it in the fridge at work a week or so later! ….not to mention the wasted ingredients at home because they don’t get used again.