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Reply To: Advice Appreciated

Reply To: Advice Appreciated2018-05-27T18:03:27+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? The Neurology Advice Appreciated Reply To: Advice Appreciated


Post count: 363

For what it’s worth, I have struggled with recurring major depression over the course of my life, and it wasn’t until I was in my mid-late forties that I got the ADD diagnosis. I am not hyperactive, either – or the hyperactivity was a mind that just wouldn’t shut up, and chronic feelings of agitation, hypersensitivity, overwhelm, paralysis, boredom. I had a response similar to yours when I first got on ADD meds (Concerta, AKA methylphenidate) – I had energy, I could function, I wanted to do things, I wanted to talk to people. Tasks that had seemed impossible were suddenly easy. Prior to that I had only taken antidepressants (for maybe 10 of the 30 years I was depressed) – and while the antidepressants are important, they were not enough. I needed the stimulant to be motivated to do anything. I, too, have sat by piles of unwashed laundry and washed-yet-unfolded laundry.

Pardon my saying so, but your doctor sounds like an idiot. I was depressed when i wasn’t fat, and when I was fat and on ADD meds, felt much happier – I see no connection between those two states (correlation, not cause and effect). So I agree with Rick Green’s comment – look around at the symptoms of ADD, and if they add up for you (no pun intended) get it checked out. Remember that joke – what do they call a doctor who graduated at the bottom of his class? Doctor. Right? Find one who isn’t a doofus. They do exist.