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ADHD Coping Strategies

ADHD Coping Strategies2019-02-25T13:14:35+00:00

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  • #131981

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    After a 2 month assessment I was finally diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 25.

    Now what? Because it is not that I was not trying many many years now to cope with my difficulties.

    For years I have struggled with “Agendas” and “Lists” that I am sick of them and most of the things I found in the internet are in this line. The only thing that saves me from slobbing is a very rare and strong emotional “adjustment” , completely uncontrollable. So for years I am bouncing between slobbing, painful lists and these rare strong moments.

    Do you have any ideas?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by george18.
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