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The 24th sign why you’re NOT ADHD… that rick seemed to miss ;)

The 24th sign why you’re NOT ADHD… that rick seemed to miss ;)2019-03-08T21:36:28+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am The 24th sign why you’re NOT ADHD… that rick seemed to miss ;)

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  • #131991

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    You can read a number repetitively without a care in the world

    You know your ADHD when even having to read the same percentage of adults living with ADHD over, and over on any article that is remotely related to ADHD drives you absolutely bonkers

    If the title and possibly even the name Rick (which I highly doubt it, because hey, who here really doesn’t know a dick!?) hasn’t made sense to you at this point then you obviously haven’t read Rick Green’s article on the 23 signs you do NOT have ADHD It was incredible, and ablsolutely liberating being able to relate to something so much more than anything in the 20 years spent living in this crazy universe(well mostly just crazy to us if you think about it). I can also deeply appreciate the comical aspect of it while still carrying an immense value of worth. Kudos Rick Green.

    I’m so glad I found this site. I’m also so glad to finally not feel alone in my adult life. Thank you all for having the courage to share your life stories . We are all so flawed but yet so beautiful.

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