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Did any of you hear doctors dismiss the idea of ADHD prior to a diagnosis?

Did any of you hear doctors dismiss the idea of ADHD prior to a diagnosis?2019-05-24T15:58:10+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Need Help! Did any of you hear doctors dismiss the idea of ADHD prior to a diagnosis?

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    I began getting therapy for depression and anxiety a few months ago. Shortly after, I began to wonder whether some of the situations that were causing me stress were actually attributed to undiagnosed Inattentive Type ADHD. For instance, it often takes me over an hour to write an email, I have started 4 or 5 different careers in the past 15 years, and I the only time I was ever in trouble at school was for “daydreaming,” difficulty focusing, or as a result of not following instructions. There are many more reasons, but they would require a separate post! Such issues have always been there, but have become impossible to ignore/avoid after I became a mom.

    Anyway, I mentioned this to the doctor and she fully dismissed me after less than 2 minutes of analysis. She said that it seems clear that I have anxiety, and nothing more. She would not even test me. This is rather frustrating, because she refused to entertain the idea that even though the anxiety is there, it might just be a symptom of something else–not the root cause. Indeed, wouldn’t a track record of identifiable “screw-ups” make someone a bit fearful in future situations? Maybe I don’t fall short because I am anxious, but perhaps I am anxious because I fall short? Perhaps ADHD is the real underlying cause. At the very least, I’d appreciate a serious analysis.

    What I’d like to ask the community here: is that it? Is this a dead end? Were any of your diagnoses the result of a second opinion? Or did the diagnosis just jump off your chart in the eyes of your doctor?

    Thank you!!! 🙂


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    I had the exact same situation, it feels very frustrating as you try to explain how you feel and having done research for them to ignore you completely. I think this time I’m going to go back and demand to be assessed for adhd.


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    I started seeing a therapist for anxiety and depression. She did a. Lot of background information then an over 2hr evaluation. She diagnosed my ADHD and recommended talking to my pup. I did. The pop said no one would diagnose a 63 year old with ADHD. She prescribed a light dose of zoloft for anxiety. I am so frustrated.


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    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by iamsam.
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