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How Do folks. UK fella recently diagnosed.

How Do folks. UK fella recently diagnosed.2011-01-25T17:45:44+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Have a Diagnosis, Now What? How Do folks. UK fella recently diagnosed.

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  • #89035

    Post count: 14413


    Just joined the site (only just found it) and was diagnosed with primarily inattentive ADHD in October last year at the age of 38.

    Mind scramble! lol.

    A lot of puzzle pieces slotted into place and i am still getting my head around it but i’m getting there slowly. Up until about a year and a half a go i owuld have laughed at anyone who suggested i could have this. Nevertheless, there i was sat in a physchiatrist’s office at the end of October 2010 being told, “You meet most of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD”

    Wow. Just Wow. Crazt emotions for the next week or so and i still have bad days from time to time but hey ho, there you go.

    Good site. Will check back. :)


    Post count: 14413

    Hi there Skinflowers ………. read on…… what some may call a diagnosis…….. others may call a recognition of the “Gift”.

    It’s not as easy to manage high horsepower vehicle…….. but it is quite a ride!!!!!


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