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February 11, 2011 at 9:07 pm #89150
Hello All,
I am new to this site but far from new to the Burdens of ADD! All though I have not been professionally diagnosed, I am certain I have it, in fact, I scored 18/18 on the ADD Test! That is the best grade I have ever received in my life! LOL
Here is a bit of my background… I was a very energetic kid that had a very tuff time focusing. I was smart but could not focus. I found myself distracting others with my obsession with negative attention. I was in shock when I heard someone on this site say that Their Teacher announced to the whole class that they FAILED. That happened to me in grade 2. I would love to find that Teacher today! GRRRRR!!! Anyways, I am very athletic, intelligent and caring! I have done some stupid impulsive things in my 40 years in this world that I regret! I knew that I wasn’t a Bad person, but couldn’t understand why I was so irresponsible with my decisions. I didn’t complete high school until I went back in my Twenties than somehow completed a Computer Programming Diploma. It was so tuff for me to comprehend the material. Till this day, I have never read a whole novel. Just can’t focus that long. On my fortieth Birthday I was struggling to read my Birthday cards outloud to my friends, I was sooo embarrased. I can read but not infront of people with distractions.
I have had several jobs and career changes. Thank god I found sales. Now I am a licenced Realtor and doing OK. Everyone tells me that I should be a TOP agent. I am great at it and people love working with me. They just don’t know how disorganized I am. My office looks like an episode of Hoarders. I am behind in my taxes by 3 years. I attempt to clean and organize but get paralyzed shortly into it.
I am so looking forward to being in control of my life and getting my career to the level it should be.
Oh by the way, my son has ADD and is on Biphentin 40g.. Curiously, I have tried it but it makes me feel like a drank 40 Coffees. Very anxious. Is there any medication that can help me focus without the anxiety side affects???
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 12, 2011 at 12:56 am #100727
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 12, 2011 at 12:56 amPost count: 14413why dont you try to meditate or yoga instead of taking medications?long time ago my doctor gave me some pills, and i felt like a plant.
i doubt any pills can make you focus on something in what u are not interested. and does it look of your office bothers you? i dont think so, coz u know where u put stuff
REPORT ABUSEfor example, i keep on my computer table 30 things i dont or wont need (candles, crystals, my shooting maps, jewelry , chewing gums, some papers , pencils, bottle of water ,etc…..) , and that is just on my table. but i keep my room clean, and i bought a poster , it hangs on visible place so everyone that comes must see it. -it says : ” tidy people are only lazy to search for things “. and good lucky by cleaning office (putting stuff to right place ,right?)
) i bet you will have that ” tidy” look maximum for 1 hour
and /applaud if u manage to make it last longer. in my case, it doesnt work , i tried so many times, but that “clean” way makes me feel i miss something!!!
and then cant concentrate even more lol , so i put things back
so maybe is not organized, but i know exactly where i keep something!
February 12, 2011 at 1:10 am #100728
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:10 amPost count: 14413That might not be the right medication for you or even the right dose for you, the first think is be professionally diagnosed, then talk about medication, types, strengths, side affect etc. You may get one that works right away or you might have to try a couple. The key is not to become fustrated (easier said than done).
Medications can be a great help for focus, and no they don’t help you focus on things you dont want to do but they do help you fight the feeling that what you are doing is a waste of time
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:42 am #100729
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:42 amPost count: 14413okay ,but i just said he can try meditate or yoga instead of taking medications. to see if it works for him .it does help ,and it is hard if person is not disciplined ,but really helps.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:59 am #100730
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:59 amPost count: 14413Music_zg – I tried meditation but I cannot focus to get ‘there’. That famous zone. Too many things on my mind and I really tried for long. And different techniques too. I’ve even tried yoga a few years ago with no success. I’m not exactly good with equilibrium lol! I think those techniques are harder for ADDers. Or maybe it’s just me lol!
Remax – I also have a problem with medication and anxiety. I’m on Concerta 27mg right now. A stimulant. No improvement yet. And I need help! I need it to work! But I think it interferes too much with my anxiety. On this website, I’ve read about Strattera. It seems that it’s not a stimulant so it wouldn’t aggravate any existant anxiety problem. I have my next appointment with my neurologist next tuesday. I don’t know if I’ll dare mention it to him. He seems to think that there are only two medication for ADD; Ritalin and Concerta.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 12, 2011 at 4:03 pm #100731
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 12, 2011 at 4:03 pmPost count: 14413Thank you all!
I did get a referral from my Doctor to see a specialist in ADD. I would love to see Dr. Jain. It that possible??
Ya. Meditation is not for me. I think that exercise would help with my confidence. I believe that suffering from ADD for all my life has crushed my self confidence. I was always so intimidated in large groups. For instance, I play Hockey and in the dressing room after the game we have conversations, sometimes several simutaneous ones. Of course I hear all of them and fail to comprehend any of them. Just bits and pieces. Then I feel like stupid cause I can’t converse with the group.
Am I in Fantasy Land to think that their is a Magic Pill to make me Focus???? HELP!!!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 13, 2011 at 5:05 am #100732
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 13, 2011 at 5:05 amPost count: 14413Remax-
I can relate very much with your story. Medication worked incredibly for me. I was diagnosed just about 3 weeks ago and started with a generic version of Aderall. For the first time in long long time I have been able to stay on tasks for hours, my partner tells me how much more present she feels me and overall, I feel much better, more clear and stable, less impulsive and with a more ability to discern and discriminate. Specially, my self confidence is building up.
Is different for everyone and I feel fortunate that I seem to have found the right medication and the right doses very quickly, however, I trust that, if you are with a good specialist to monitor your process and you are committed to do your part by applying tools and systems (such the ones mentioned in the ADD Documentary), I am sure that you will experience success.
Just keep on going! You are in the right track!
Don’t give up. Do your part and the magic will follow.
All the Best
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 17, 2011 at 7:58 pm #100733
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 17, 2011 at 7:58 pmPost count: 14413@Moka – Besides the poor balance any other physical issues? Tastes, smells, fabrics you can’t stand touching for example? How about eye contact? Does it make you feel connected to the person you are talking to or nervous?
Read up on Wellbutrin as well as the Straterra for “off label” use and what symptoms they are used for. See which is a better match for what you are looking to address. I’d also take a look at the site and read through the Adult ADHD section, and the guideline section as well.
ADHD can look like other things. Doctors haven’t really learned how to diagnose adults and are still learning when it comes to kids. The Autism Spectrum is very broad and the guidelines can be confusing, is can also look a lot like ADHD in some cases. To make matters even more confusing is that both may be present or it could be OCD, or a bi-polar issue that looks like one of the other two.
An ADHD or AS diagnoses happens when all other possible reasons are removed, the check boxes are added up and the results compared to standard meet the right ratio. Not what I’d call an exact science. What I did find interesting was that there were different types of tests that help identify your tendencies ‘out in the real world’. The driving related screening questions were quite telling.
When it fits you’ll know.
Good luck!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 17, 2011 at 11:01 pm #100734
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 17, 2011 at 11:01 pmPost count: 14413CLEARLY music_zg does not have ADHD or had never cared about the outcome of his/her actions. ADHD is NOT about being lazy or undisciplined. It’s a REAL problem in the brain that causes people to be UNABLE to focus or complete tasks. It’s not about trying harder, or meditating more. While meditation may help or any number of other non-medicine things may help, medication is what brings the brain together to be ABLE to try harder, or concentrate. I actually go to acupuncture which I have found to be tremendously helpful, but it doesn’t help me as much as the Adderall XR did when I was able to take that. I have to go on a non-stimulant now, but I “suppliment” with therapy and coaching by my husband and good friends who care about me and want me to succeed.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 17, 2011 at 11:26 pm #100735
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 17, 2011 at 11:26 pmPost count: 14413Learning to quiet your mind is very helpful. My doctor tells me every time I see him…
Try meditation, guided meditation, podcasts on meditation…MEDITATION!!!
I can’t do it yet, when I’m still, but I can get into it walking (thank you for Dogs) or biking. When I was a kid it was swimming and bike riding. It calms me down, focuses my thoughts and I remember happy times and I feel better. But I forget this sometimes and need a kick in the arse to get going. Thank you to my wife.
Good luck.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 1, 2011 at 3:44 am #100736
AnonymousInactiveMarch 1, 2011 at 3:44 amPost count: 14413I am an adult of 45 years old and just got diagnosed a few months ago. I was put on Strattera 100 mg. because of drug testing at work. It worked OK and allowed me to focus a little but never got what you would call clear or calm. Went to the doctor to ask for a change of meds as my company oked the drugs that might show up on a drug test. I thought my doctor would put me on something like Aderall xr but put me on Wellbutrin XL but got Bupropion HCL XL 150mgs as a generic. I was told to also keep up with the Strattera 100 mg at night. The combo, in a week has gotten me to not rage and control my anger. I was bad. Now I wonder if this is a normal grouping. My doctor likes to tell you what to do but not explain it a lot. I am looking for another doctor but my two daughters are kind of stuck with her right now. She seams to be on with the meds for the kids so I am just looking for ideas or people who have tried this combo.