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Oddities with ADD

Oddities with ADD2011-02-18T04:21:21+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    Has anyone else noticed that when you eat a meal you eat one thing then the next and so on.

    For the most part I do not even take a drink of something until I am done eating.

    A good friend of mine just pointed that I always do this when I eat.



    Post count: 226

    I do that too. Drives my mom nuts and she is always telling me, “Drink, slow down you’re eating too fast.” I tend to eat faster then most of my friends.

    Although, one time I zoned out and they pointed it to me. One of them thought that I was sick. People would dare me to eat a pint size ice cream of Ben and Jerry’s in a half an hour. It was good. I like the browny and the phish one. The phish one has little fish shape chocolate. So yeah.


    Post count: 14413

    I was always told to slow down and taste my food……… I would start cleaning up the diner table before i even sat down to eat I mean Gobble down my food,,,,,,,,,


    Post count: 14413

    To be honest I can see how that may affect social behavior……… When we had company I would struggle to sit with everyone.. I would often leave the table and start waiting on others or provide entertainment to the kids….. The other adults were more social drinkers and TV watchers etc, Not my thing…… Go figure!


    Post count: 14413

    I am a sequential eater too, as well as eating too quickly. I tend to put my head down and I just eat as I would normally. to others I guess its too fast. When i was younger, I’d eat everyting in order based on which foods were my favorites on the plate. As ive gotten older when need be,I can take my time. For the most part for me its the situation that determins how fast I eat. I dont care what people think if I eat one thing then move on to the next.

    How about eating one thing for a long period of time? Like for instance I’ve been eating cinnoman toaste crunch for breakfast and dinner for the past month. Its starting to get old and I just finished my last box this morning. Before that it was baccon. Before that it was eggo waffles. I usually will do this like the eat only one thing for a month or so. This discludes lunch since I get my food from here at work in our caffeteria (which serves cereal!)


    Post count: 430

    I am a sequential eater as well. Eating Chinese food or a potluck, is where my quirks are noticed. I put one thing on my plate. Finish it, and eat another. As a child it used to upset me, when my mom or grandma would dish everything onto my plate. Thanksgiving was the worst. Random thought (several actually): Most of those people are gone now, and the extended family no longer celebrates the holidays together… what I wouldn’t give to see them again!


    Post count: 596

    Ok, so the one thing we do methodically, quickly and without procrastinating and it turns out it’s not “normal” ? :-)


    Post count: 14413

    I am finding it humorous to see the differnt quirks I (we) have. It is interesting to see that even my eating habits are ADD.

    When I was a kid I was a very fast eater but now I’m very slow and the last to leave the table. I guess a way to get out of clean-up.

    I also zone out. It is so wierd to be staring on something ahead of me and still aware of everything going on around me. If I’m with someone they always ask me if I’m OK. I just say that I’m sorry and that I am really tired. It happens a lot more when I’m tired, even while driving (thank goodness still aware of all going on around me).


    Post count: 14413

    I like to eat one thing at a time and also do not like my food touching one another on the plate!

    I’ve had that pointed out to me more than once. My explanation is that when I am eating potatoes, I like to taste them.

    When I eat meat, I want to taste meat.

    I bet the following explanation about why we eat foods in a certain order will ring true to a lot of us here because we have heightened senses, perhaps the sense of taste as well….

    Also eat things in a certain order because some things I have to eat hot, others can be cooler..

    For example..dinner is steak, mashed potaoes and asparagus

    I eat the asparagus first because I detest it even lukewarm, but love it hot!

    The meat is next because to have it hot or warm is OK and the mashed are last because I can eat them at any old temperature.

    Any one else do this because of this reason..temperature and taste?


    Post count: 206

    I have to make a bite of food. A little of this a little of that. I am a taste junkie. Always looking for the perfect bite of food. I will overeat to the point of throwing up if I find a perfect taste. But my father was the exact opposite. His food had to be on different plates and he could never eat a casserole because food was touching. I use a lot of spices and tastes for my food to be aromatic and tasty. My family isn’t as fussy but I love the smell and flavor of foods and will search for the combination that makes things complete.

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