I have gone through Strattera, 25 mg (which worked on the second day, with some minor negative side effects) then after two weeks 50 mg (which didn’t work), Welbutrin (did not work at all), and Adderall (which worked). The ones that worked, worked for a few days (no more than four days). After the initial “honeymoon” period I could no longer detect any help. I’m thinking of asking my doctor if I can take Strattera for a few days and then change over to Adderall for a few days. Could this keep the body from adapting to the one med by using two and alternating them?
I have a second idea. Since Strattera is a Nor-epinephrine Selective Reuptake Inhibitor or an NSRI and Adderall is a nor-epinephrine stimulator, would it work to try a daily small dose of each to see if it will overcome the fall off of positive effect?
Anyone have any experience with overcoming this fall off of positive effects?