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Give me a quick overview

Give me a quick overview2011-06-13T16:02:17+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I am having my followup appointment with the ADD psychiatrist this Thursday, and since my family doc is not knowledgeable about ADHD and appears to be reluctant to prescribe stimulant meds or anything which is not time-released, I could use some quick advice about what meds you take and what didn’t work for you.

    I have tried my husband’s Ritalin (10 mg every 4 hours) – once for 3 weeks, and just started it again yesterday – and it works for me. It also helps with my insomnia problems, I can usually sleep through the night. I’m having a sleep study sometime soon but it’s not booked yet, and my doc won’t prescribe any meds until she has the psych’s report and the sleep study report.

    I can’t focus, I can’t stay on task. I am having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. The sleep issues are really hitting me hard right now but my doc won’t prescribe “sedatives” in case I have sleep apnea. For the daytime craziness, I need something that will help calm my crazy wild mind so I can get work done rather than it stretching out over the whole day.

    Just advice, based on your personal experience. Won’t hold you to it. Just need a roadmap to organize our thoughts going in so we know what the psych is talking about, and what we should be asking for, in order to be prepared for the discussion with my family doc at a later date.



    Post count: 9

    I am also going to my therapist on Thursday, and was wondering if I should try medication. I was recently diagnosed with ADD in March and am 50 yrs old. I’ve gone this long coping with my scattered brain that I’m kind of nervous. (I’m already taking something for depression.) I’ve read where you can take medication for both ADD and depression. It might be nice to be able to focus and stay on task for once. Maybe even actually finish my laundry and other chores that need to be tackled!

    I would also like advice on this subject.


    P.S. Good luck on Thurs., no_dopamine :-)


    Post count: 14413

    I take Vyvanse and it has been a godsend. I am also in treatment for bipolar disorder and my psychiatrist started me on the Vyvanse once we got the mania under control. He preferred to try me on that because a side effect could be increased mania (Yay!) I was highly reluctant to take the Vyvanse because of that. (I used to think that my mania was what made me productive, but now I realize it just made me horrible. I say it turned me into the ‘Incredible Hulk), but after the universe told me (I locked my keys in my car right after I got the Rx for the Vyvanse…) I decided to try it, fortunately, I did NOT have any of those nasty side effects. I got started on a low dose and loved it, but seemed like I needed an increase about 3 months later. The sleeping issue isn’t a problem, but I take my meds for the bipolar disorder at night (I say that I’m on the ‘Judy Garland diet’, uppers in the morning, downers at night), but even on days when I forget to take my Trileptal, sleeping has never been a problem. I have cut waaaay back on caffeine, at the request of my doc, because he says that is what makes the med have to ‘work harder’ and could lead to the insomnia and mania, but I do like Vyvanse. I wasn’t a big fan of adding yet another pill to my routine, but my goal was to take it long enough to develop good ‘habits’ so that I would one day not need the meds. Due to their cost (even with insurance) there are months when I will go without, and I’ve done okay for the most part, but I’ve been taking it now for nearly three years, so I think that once I realized how awesome it was to finish tasks and get things done, I got addicted to that feeling, and not the pills (another fear of mine). I constantly tell people that the meds saved me, and I still believe that.

    Good luck to you. I’m sure tha they will find a med that works the best for you :)


    Post count: 9

    Wow Steffie Thanks for sharing! Your information was very helpful to me. If the Vyvanse (or even something like it) would help me get on a course to develop better organizational habits, then I may suggest it to my therapist on Thurs. and see what she says. I’m so glad it works for you. That gives me hope! You seem like you are very happy with your life and are doing great on the meds! That makes me excited to try it. I’m tired of not finishing or starting projects and feeling so tired in the afternoon because my brain has worked so hard concentrating on getting my errands done and working in the house or garden in the morning.

    Thanks again Steffie

    P.S. That’s my daughters name—- It’s a good one! :-)


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks, Steffie. That’s helpful.

    Distracted Cindy: I’m 55 so I think it’s time to get my life in order (I have had over 20 jobs in my life …..)


    Post count: 14413

    I had a wicked computer virus so my internet usage for the past few days was nil.

    I hope that you are able to find something that works for you. I spent so much time being ‘anti medication’ since I worked in the medical field and felt like patients called in for Prozac whenever they stubbed their toe…to say that the past 8 years of my life have been humbling is an understatement! Learning more about ADHD and watching the movie, I felt for the very first time, a kind of validation in my struggle and knowing that it’s not ‘just me’ has helped so much. Meds and support, they will get you through anything! I can’t even begin to say how much this site has helped me. And remember, it’s NEVER to late to get things in order. The only ‘crime’ is in not trying


    Post count: 14413

    Got the green light today, ADD confirmed (textbook case) but I need to have a sleep study because of the sleep issues before a report with treatment recommendations goes to my doc. My husband’s ritalin helps with my sleep. I don’t want the drug for the sake of having the drug, I want the drug because it works. But I’ll go for a more modern version, my psych says ritalin is the model T version of the drug.

    I spoke to someone last week on another topic who suggested something about winding down since I’m nearly 56. Hey, I’m just getting started to sorting this stuff out and actually seeing what normal looks like!


    Post count: 9

    I had my appointment yesterday, but my therapist didn’t recommend putting me on any meds right now. I guess because I’m working at home and don’t have to worry about the stresses of working for a boss. (I’m only guessing) I do stress out and get overwhelmed sometimes, but luckily I do have a husband that is very understanding and can talk me “down”. I’m also trying very hard to make a list of all the things I need to do the night before. I found a neat notepad at Walmart that is divided into three sections

    Errand, Tasks, and Notes. (I use the note section for a short grocery list). The notepad also has circles next to the line where I can check mark what I’ve accomplished. Even if I don’t get everything done on my list (which I won’t), it’s ok because I can look and see what I was able to do and get a positive feedback from that. Whoops! Got off subject! Imagine that!

    Anyway, I’m glad no_dopamine that you’ve gotten your official diagnosis and will soon be starting on meds. I hope this will help you stay with one job that you enjoy and feel normal. (For years until my husband’s retirement from the military, we moved a lot and I was able to get a new job if I wanted at each new town we lived in. By the time I was bored with the job, we moved! Never worked long enough to get fired or too bored.) Now I just can’t find a job in this little town. I did work for 2 attorney’s for two years until I had to quit and take care of my mother-in-law for a year. Darn it! I get carried away. I write like I talk! Also, good luck with your sleep study. Let us now how it went. You’re right! Just because you’re almost 56 doesn’t mean you have to slow down!!!!! I have a friend who is your age and when we’re together we act like we’re 25! Live and enjoy life!!!! (I learned to kayak last year. I love it!) :D


    Post count: 14413

    Hi D-Cindy,

    In my latest business incarnation, I am a self-employed entrepeneur and work from home (6 years now, that’s the longest I’ve ever stuck with any job), but I’ve just taken a big step and rented commercial space (6 mos lease, I’m not good with commitments and responsibility so I was reluctant to extend it). Having had so many jobs and being “older”, I really want to make this job work. Besides, I’m really creative and skilled in many aspects, and it’s not a boring job (just some parts – you know, get others to do those bits). And it’s exciting to see my business grow.

    Our house was being taken over by the business and we literally couldn’t move around (or sell and move). Working from home can be really distracting and hard on relationships, since it’s hard to separate work and play (although as a classic workaholic I rarely played, except surfing on computer, which was an addiction). So my day would start at 8, loaf on the computer (like I’m doing now, in order to “wake up” for the day), my husband would get up at 10, he’d want lunch (I would only have finished breakfast) and then I wouldn’t really get started until 2 or 3 pm and I’d have to work way into the evening to catch up. He would complain we had no time together and I was always working (not true, always procrastinating and falling behind). So I have some behavioural change to work on. Hopefully going somewhere else to work and then physically coming home for dinner will start to create some new positive habits.

    I am a big believer in writing stuff down on lists so I don’t think about it in bed, but I do make a lot of lists, too much stuff to keep track of. I have trouble paring it down, to do just what is essential. If I get too much on my list, I really start to spin my gears and you can see it, I’ll circle from one room to the next, almost paralyzed, not knowing where to start but knowing I really need to get started FAST. Totally spinning my gears.

    I am going to dig out my old Daytimer portfolio and see if that might work for me. I have been using large whiteboards and they’re good for me since I can erase and re-write (bit of a perfectionist here, OK A LOT), and also I like to visually see things. My photo here pretty much looks like my desk, I have a netbook/laptop and another computer monitor behind it that’s full of post-it notes. But the whiteboard thing is helping, write stuff down and erase and move the other stuff up as you start to go through it. Have to resist the urge to get more and decorate the house with them!

    You say you never worked at any job long enough to get fired or bored, that explains a lot for me. I also never got fired, I quit a few jobs, but I always had another job to go to (I guess I knew somehow that the job wasn’t working out for me, often personality clashes or resistance to authority, which is a pattern for me).

    I’m feeling a lot better this week, I am on Ritalin (husband’s meds) and I’ve had four good nights of sleep. Last night I slept all the way through. I’m waking a bit earlier than I used to, but at least I’m not as tired.

    One tip from my therapist (he can’t diagnose or prescribe ADD meds), if I had six things on the list (way more, usually), he told me to do only three. And I was supposed to stop after completing one item and see how I felt before going on to the next. Since I’m a hyperactive compulsive type of person, I would rush from one to the next and never really realize that my body was telling me TOO MUCH! TOO FAST! SLOW DOWN! until it was way too late! I don’t that practice but I am a lot more aware of the fact that I try to get a gazillion things done in a day and even a superhuman has their limits! :P


    Post count: 546

    hi I have been on 108mg of generic concerta now for six months and it is working well. I also have had many jobs and businesses quit some got fired from some , most of my self employed attempt failed ,but not for lack of trying and hard work and long hours. I have a truck driving job now for three months trying hard to keep it it is good pay and good benefits for someone with no education and almost no paper work how great is that.lol


    Post count: 596

    DistractedCindy and no_dopamine,

    Ok this has nothing to do with meds but…

    One way I’ve learned to structure my day with a planner is to get one that has the days of the week broken down into 15 minute increments. I can then pencil in the task or appointment but draw a square around the total time frame needed to complete it. The week ends up kind of looking like a bunch of big square boxes. I use a format where the week is on a two page spread so everything is very visually defined.

    If I plan ahead it keeps me from double booking myself because the coming time frame is somehow imprinted on my brain. Somehow just writing down an appointment next to a time doesn’t have the same effect. I’ve been doing this for a couple of months and it;s really helped to keep me on track.

    no_dopamine I’ve been wanting to get a white board like you describe for some time but can’t find any spare wall space to hang it! My walls kind of look like my floors but at least it’s art :-) And had to chuckle at the description of you day – ditto the 45 minute time to wake up surfing :-)


    Post count: 14413

    Hi Nellie,

    I can plan but I can’t execute the plan and I have no clue of how long it takes to do something because I get distracted even from timing it!

    My whiteboards aren’t hanging yet, just leaned up against a wall on a tabletop.


    Post count: 596

    well we ADDers aren’t exactly famous for our time consciousness so no surprise there:-) But I was told to make an approximation then add 20-40%. When I do that it pretty well works out. But the important thing by doing this, even is the guestimate is off, one starts to take into account how much time things really take and put into perspective that some of our “great ideas” may have unrealistic time frames associated with them. I think that accounts for a lot of my unfinished projects!

    That and breaking stuff down into steps helps to think out the time line. It’s one of the big lessons I’ve learned since tackling my ADD. The thing is the motivation to stop and think long enough to put that into practive sometimes goes out the window!


    Post count: 14413

    Hi Nellie,

    I’m being forced into breaking down the big tasks into little at the moment, since I’m moving my home-based business into a commercial unit this week. I can’t afford much downtime, so I’m using those whiteboards to plan the week, what needs to happen, but being careful not to load too much into any one day because, as you say, we need to add time to our estimate.

    For me, 50% addition is more like it! And if the internet is working, well, 75% is more like it.

    I did buy a bunch of little coil-bound memo pads, I always had things written on post-it notes or little scraps of paper (from paper cubes), and it’s helping. I can go through the memo pad and tear off what I don’t need, or rip out a page if I couldn’t write my thoughts down legibly.

    I also even cleaned up a pile of paper that was driving me around the bend. Now I only have one pile of paper on the table beside the computer (we won’t talk about the piles on top of the printer, stacked precariously on the corner of the blue recycle box, on the two chairs on either side of my chair) – it’s a start. 🙄

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