Sunday is Fathers’ Day in the U.S.
And for many dads with ADD/ADHD, it it is bittersweet time. Of course, most of our kids find a way to love us no matter what—every dad is the best dad in the world. But we ADD fathers know better. There is so much more we would like to have done for our families, but couldn’t. So many things we shouldn’t have done, but did. There’s a line from a 1969 soul hit by the Delfonics— “I’ve tried so many times, and that’s no lie.”
So many times… but it doesn’t seem to matter.
I will always believe it’s not the “personal” failures that haunt us most. It’s the failures that affect the others we care about so very much. I watched my own father’s life go up in flames, and with it, my family. Later in life I came to understand his demons as many of them became my own. On Sunday, I’ll get the tie or…whatever. But the gratitude will be misdirected. It’s my kids who should be getting the presents—for enduring the brokenness, all the pain it has caused, and yet… in spite of it all, loving anyway.