Hi, I am 41 year old wife and mother to 3 beautiful daughters. Very very happy I was referred to this site!…….Been a life saver
Recently diagnosed with ADD and first med was Adderall XR 20 mg. once a day. After 2 weeks I noticed that tightening in my chest I’ve heard others talk about. Called the doc and said to go off of it immediately! I really did like the Adderall and had no other bad side effects. I have no high blood pressure and no heart problems. Anyones opinion on being taken off so quickly? Should it have been given a go for at least a month to see if symptoms subsided? Or is that too serious of a side effect to mess with? He’s putting me on Strattera 80mg a day (which I haven’t started yet). I’m wondering what the difference will be going from a stimulant drug to a non stimulant drug will be. I know everyone is different. Doc told me if this doesn’t work then there’s prob nothing else he can do?….Think I will talk to my phychologist about that one……
Thanks for reading