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Taking meds for anxiety, bi-polar? Alert!

Taking meds for anxiety, bi-polar? Alert!2011-09-28T20:24:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Mood Stabilizers Taking meds for anxiety, bi-polar? Alert!

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  • #90056

    Post count: 445

    Well, now there’s this: http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2011/09/28/97001-20110928FILWWW00567-un-lien-entre-somniferes-et-alzheimer.php

    If you don’t speak French, the gist is this—According to a new study in France, reported today on lefigaro.fr, between 16,000 and 31,000 cases of Alzheimer’s (annually, in France) may be attributable to the long-term use of a class of drugs known as Benzodiazepines. Medications in this class include:

    Ativan / Lorazepam

    Dalmane / Flurazepam

    Halcion / Triazolam

    Klonopin / Clonazepam

    Librium / Chlordiazepoxide

    Restoril / Temazepam

    Serax / Oxazepam

    Valium / Diazepam

    Xanax / Alprazolam

    One of the researchers called it a “bombshell” finding. Just thought this ought to be passed along.

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