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ADD and Crohn's Disease

ADD and Crohn's Disease2011-09-30T18:24:13+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Im looking for some help and or suggestions. I was diagnosed ADHD about 2 years ago. Im 45 now, so it was quite an enlightening moment to say the least! It sort of explained my entire life.

    I have ADHD and also have Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s is an autoimmune disorder that affects mostly the bowel. It is generalized as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. We go through periods of flare up and remission. And in its worst case end up with re-sections and colostomy. I have been lucky to not have to go there yet. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s when I was 15 so the disease and I are very familiar with each other. One of the things I have found out is that stress and stimulants such as caffeine tend to lead to flare ups with me. My psychiatrist is familiar with both my conditions and has tried the wellbutrin and zolloft treatment with me and its not working. I have the same ADHD symptoms but am just more aware of them, if that makes any sense.

    My question is this. Is there any non stimulant med for ADHD that have been proven to work? And do you think that the stimulants out there would cause a problem with my gut? I feel like Im on the cusp of being a new person but am limited as to what I can take. Any help would be appreciated. If you have questions please ask.

    Thank you!


    Post count: 14413

    I don’t have Crohn’s but I’ve got IBS. I have the same question you do, tsnod44. I’m wondering if meds for ADHD will affect my gut negatively, too.


    Post count: 169

    I have a mild form of Crohn’s, which began as IBS, but developed into ileitis. I haven’t noticed any additional discomfort or inflammation since going on Adderall XR. Granted, I am on a conservatively lower dose, 10 mg I believe.


    Post count: 14413

    That’s good to hear, Bibliophile. Thanks.

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