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In a constant FUNK

In a constant FUNK2011-10-24T01:25:06+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am In a constant FUNK

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  • #90123

    Post count: 14413

    I’m 36 and a sprinkler fitter in Chicago. I have been beating myself up for at least 20 years about my complete inability to get things done, organize, communicate like a normal person oh and also forgot forgetting.I always refused any kind of help from a counselor and basically have been self medicating for the last 18 yrs,with beer, pot,cigarettes and energy drinks.Recently I found i was a type 1 diabetic so I quit smoking and drinking but the only thing that keeps me focused is 5 hour energy drink which has no sugar,but tears my stomach up with the amount I need to stay on task.My wife can’t stand when I just zone and am like huh what were driving off a cliff oh shit.Is this for real ?

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