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Anyone taking Modafinil? (Provigil)

Anyone taking Modafinil? (Provigil)2011-11-06T21:59:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Anyone taking Modafinil? (Provigil)

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    Post count: 14413

    It’s a narcolepsy drug but also prescribed for ADHD. Just interested in others’ experiences with this drug.


    Post count: 179

    lifehacker had a post about it. I tried to get it from my GP and a specialist; no go. I guess since the normal ADHD meds work for me, no need to try things like modafinil.


    Post count: 14413

    It took me approximately one year to get Provigil prescribed…in addition to taking prozac, welbutrin (Both already prescribed,. dosage was upped of each), strattera (newly prescribed ) I also had a brain scan. Also asked a battery of questions. which led to my diagnosis

    Prozac brought about a phenominal change in me (1994)… In retrospect, now that I have retired, I see my painful pattern of ADD behavior throughout my life and career. Provigil has brought a similiar profound change once it was finally prescribed. this fall. I am 70 years old and a retired social worker. The diagnosis was an ‘ AHA’ moment. for me…I have a quality of life now, instead of attributing all symptoms to aging..

    I refer to my retirement…as my celebration in my end zone.


    Post count: 14413

    wow, welbutrin and straterra and provigil .. no clashes? may have to check provigil, already on the others, not much of a change

    perhaps none, perhaps they are increasing my anxiety level as i seem more freaked out … thanks will see .. cheers


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve been on modafinil (generic version of provigil) since mid-October 2011 now. Compared to ritalin, which I’ve also taken, it’s a more gentle drug, the onset is more subtle (with ritalin you KNOW you’ve taken that 10 mg dose, with modafinil, it’s like someone raising the shutters on the windows slowly). But unlike ritalin, which I could take in the evening (10 mg doses), modafinil can’t be taken past 1 pm or it will disturb sleep. The other day I forgot my mid-day dose (which I take at 11:30 am) and took it at 2:00 pm, had a more fragmented night’s sleep.

    From what I’ve read, modafinil also has a bit of a “mood enhancer”, I’m generally an upbeat optimistic person anyway, so I don’t particularly notice that.

    Beverlyanne, my sleep doc (I have narcolepsy) said he was working on improving the quality of my life, and he has. I agree, it’s been an eye-opening experience. At 56, I still have lots of life to live.


    Post count: 14413

    hi very interested to hear about modafinil .. i read some of the studies on it .. sounds quite good for adhd,

    In Canada is it Alertec or Modafinal ? last search i could only find Alertec for BC but that may be me

    the reports of heart issues and warnings about skin rashes … not sure if that is a problem, i think

    my heart problems are over, but may have to get that checked



    Post count: 14413

    In Canada it is modafinil. I don’t know anything about alertec. My doctor spent 5 minutes reading me the risks from his little handheld device, but I have not had any problems with it. Lately, though, I have been sooooo busy that I am not sure I have taken the dose at the right time, so I have a physical reminder, I take the little green travel pill container out of my pocket at work and put it near the travel alarm clock, set to 11:30 am. After I take my dose, I put the green container back in my pocket and close the travel alarm at the end of the day. I can hear the travel alarm from the next room, but it only works if the alarm and the pills are together (I can’t hear my watch alarm – early-onset age-related hearing loss). You’d think I’d know if I’d taken my dose or not, but modafinil is more subtle and gentle and I’m highly stressed at the moment so my patterns are raging wildly.

    I’m on two meds and an inhaler (am only), and even though the meds are different colours and shapes, the bottles are the same, so I have started turning them over so the one I am to take next is right side up. Then I do check to see what shape and colour it is. The problem is I’m really busy and stressed, so I really don’t even know what time of day it is. I’m so afraid of taking the sedative in the am by accident and the stimulant at bedtime. If I don’t keep them together, I will forget to take them.


    Post count: 14413

    I tried generic modafinil and found it to be pretty useless for ADHD. It gives a very mild mood enhancing effect but does nothing for my focus and concentration. I can see how this is a first class drug for narcolepsy though since its really hard to fall asleep once you’ve taken it.


    Post count: 14413

    Modafinil helps in oversleep issues and I have seen its results but I am not sure if it would help you with ADHD.


    Post count: 14413

    I have been taking 100mg – which I understand is likely subtherapeutic for ADHD treatment purposes . . .which I started prior to my ADHD diagnosis. . . for sleep apnea. And I have continued it with my Concerta . . .


    Post count: 14413

    I’d always felt something was different about me, but was never sure quite what it was that set me apart from the norm.

    Anyway, cut to a year and 10 months ago. I was browsing the web and came across a symptom list for adult ADHD. Mind blown, this was me. I’m no hypochondriac, I knew what the symptoms were for everything from bipolar to tourettes. I had none of them, but I was sure that I had ADD.

    So I visited my GP and got palmed off a couple of times. One tried to prescribe me antidepressants. I eventually got a referal to a specialist adult ADHD clinic here in Bristol, UK.

    Excited…but…a year long waiting list?

    That was a long time to wait when you’re fearful that you’re going to lose another job, another relationship and spiral even deeper into debt. So I began reading (hyperfocussing) on ADHD, treatment options, med’s etc.

    Modafinil popped up. It’s sometimes called a smartdrug, as is Ritalin. But Modafinil isn’t as heavily controlled as Ritalin. You can get this stuff online. So I did.

    The first day I took it (200mg in the morning) I had my most productive day EVER at work. I do office based computer and paper stuff. It took the fun out of me a bit in the first few days. I was all work, work, work. But as time went by I settled. I was no longer superman, completing huge amounts of work in a day, but I could focus on tasks and keep track of things.

    My mood improved and social interactions seemed to flow, where I used to stumble through, blurt things out and scare people off in the past.

    However, the good times only lasted around 3 months before a tolerance built up leaving the drug almost entirely uselss to me. I still take it on occasions, after i’ve had a long enough break to reduce some of the tolerance. But the magic is lost.

    I have my diagnosis now, I was right all along, I am ADD. The day after tomorrow i’ve got my second psych appointment and i’m desperately hoping to get a prescription for Ritalin. Because that’s basically what i’ve been waiting for for over a year and a half.

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