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the proverbial fork in the road

the proverbial fork in the road2012-01-04T00:05:38+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am the proverbial fork in the road

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  • #90358

    Post count: 14413

    Does anybody else’ s fork seem to have 33 tines? Also do they travel in every direction? Up, down left, right, clockwise, unilaterally, 74 degrees to the left, exponentially, horizontal, through a tire swing or maybe even to the corner store.I am 27 and have never been tested but many teachers have requested I was tested. My mother adamantley refused claiming ADHD pretty much meant “boys will be boys” and I would grow out of it. Many family members and really close friends have mentioned it over the years, but I suppose I am afraid of admitting that I could never grow up properly, somehow I still feel like I haven’t. My name is Andrew Graves and I really dont know what to expect from myself. Good luck to all! According to this web_site we all my be high achievers. I hope so.


    Post count: 845

    Take the ADD virtual test on this site and at http://psychcentral.com/addquiz.htm to see if they indicate ADD. If so, go get a diagnosis, educate yourself about ADD, and get meds if you think you need them.

    There have been a lot of new members with the same questions you are now having. Read through the different forums for the responses they have received.

    Welcome to the site and let us know how it goes.

    Oh, and yes, we all see 33 tines.


    Post count: 14413

    I am 47 and sorta know what I want to be when I grow up. So many forks in so many different roads and I am just talking jobs. I kinda sorta have a career and am trying hard for a promotion into leadership in my chosen career. I’ve been a soldier (flight operations), a restaurant cashier, a preschool teacher in many different states, a kindergarten teacher, a banquet server/kitchen steward, a store cashier, and now I work in airport security and have for over 5 years. Btw, this is the longest I’ve worked and/or lived in any one place since I left my childhood home at 17.

    With my acknowledging that I might have ADD a few years ago and then finally seeking a diagnoses and medication I’m starting to do a little better with my life challenges and especially with things like multitasking, and completing assigned paperwork. But, and this is key I have a long ways to go and many things will never ever come easy for me. I gave up on having a decluttered home when I divorced and lost the person that yelled at me about how cluttered it was. It’s not that I don’t care, or don’t like it clean, it’s that it’s practically impossible to keep it that way.

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