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Acquired Brain Injury, Brain Tumour and AD(H)D; the 'Triple Crown' lucky?

Acquired Brain Injury, Brain Tumour and AD(H)D; the 'Triple Crown' lucky?2012-05-10T15:17:56+00:00

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    I saw a YouTube video describing the sort of effects brain injury had on certain parts of the brain (done by an attorney, with a MD?).

    The things he itemized seemed so similar to AD(H)D symptoms, that I wonder IF my series of concussions and earlier meningities as a child could trigger ADD (‘begun’ in late teens!) if genetically susceptible; OR, is it a common problem in differential diagnosis to know the issue is acquired brain injury or ADD(H)D, or both. I got both, I think. (AND, a meningioma surgery, 2001!) Lucky me, huh?

    ‘BOTH’ means a different treatment regimen, or not?

    I have fallen through the cracks of competent care being available for ‘this co-morbidity’ – sort of like hearing…

    “Here, take the damn Concerta (54mg./day) and stop bugging me, and do learn to duck faster, or where a helmet 24/7.”

    (SW Ontario, Canada)

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