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Loving the generic form of Strattera!

Loving the generic form of Strattera!2012-09-17T13:04:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Loving the generic form of Strattera!

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  • #91026

    Post count: 55

    I’m on day 5 of taking these meds (40mg a day in the morning) and I’m already noticing a huge difference! I’m no longer leaving clothes on the line for 3 days or wet clothes in the washer.

    I woke up this morning incredibly well rested and eager to start my day. I honestly don’t remember ever feeling this way!! All I can say is so far, so good. I don’t have insurance but so far paying 120$ a month is soooo worth it! With the increase in productivity, the meds will end up paying for themselves.

    My impulsiveness seems to have decreased too which means no more impulse shopping online (big money saver right there!).


    Post count: 55

    Ok, totally lost track of how long i’ve been on these meds (a month maybe?). I’m not sure wether or not they are working. The one thing I have noticed is reduced procrastination. It’s not gone, but it’s better. I’m having trouble remembering to take the meds though and I have even taken a double dose without realizing (until the nausea set in). I even put pills in a dispenser with the days of the week and forgot about it and went back to the pill bottle instead. Sheesh!


    Ricochet Rabbit
    Post count: 16

    Hi, distractedmomma. Thanks for the posts on this — I have a consult this week with a psych to look at meds and am going thru the forum comparing info. I was esp. interested when I saw it’s related to Prozac; I took Prozac for depression when it first came out and had pretty good results for quite some time. I’m esp. interested in increasing productivity and feeling rested (wow, would THAT be a change for me).

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