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Question about amount of Concerta dispensed

Question about amount of Concerta dispensed2012-10-11T11:52:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Question about amount of Concerta dispensed

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  • #91091

    Post count: 173

    So a new Doctor gave me a prescription for my Concerta recently. He said he was going to give me a six month supply.

    I assumed he meant that I would get 6 1 month refills, but instead when the pharmacy dispensed it, I discovered that he had ordered 2 – 3 month supplies.

    Beyond the fact that it was kind of a shock to the wallet all at once, is this considered good practice when prescribing a drug that has a street value? Admittedly in my case, it’s just Mr. Ivriniel and I living in the house, so we don’t have to worry about oh, say a teenager taking it and selling it or something, but still: somebody breaks in, and they might get the motherlode.

    Just curious what doctors might think.

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