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Re: Strattera?

Re: Strattera?2011-11-04T13:22:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Strattera? Re: Strattera?


Post count: 14413

I am 60, recently retired, had burned too many job bridges, impulsive, restless, impatient, memory lapses, zoning out, anger. anziety.

Was line cooking, the memory and focus part got worse in the last few years.

I went through BC’s Mental Health, psychologist diagnosed me as ADHD with anxiety and depression. In late August, the psychiatrist started me on Wellbutrin, now up to 300m .. and in late September added Straterra, 60m.

Side effects from Straterra : dry mouth, urine retension and some discomfort, testicles are tender, but the doctor suggests that is due to

pressure from urine being retained. Also on blood pressure pills due to cardio issues and a history of self medicating on alcohol. For decades I tried to drink enough so that I could turn off the constant thoughts racing around .. most of them negative or anxious.

Now, I sleep soundly and deeply, i think, from 11 – 5, wake to feed cats, then nap then start on meds. The drugs seem to help, but it is early, was told not to expect much until after 6 or more weeks. They started me on a bit of Behavioral Therapy, but pointed out that until the ADHD is “”under controll” the BT wont be stuff I can focus on to use very much.

I am impetuous, took up weaving in June, it requires me to be present, focus on the yarns and the shuttle, it seems to help a bit.

Then there are days when I have a complete meltdown. They are less frequent, I am trying to notice how I feel, so I can learn to see

the triggers, hot points and pause .. breathing deeply, slowly. Have blythly ignored how I felt for so long that learning that is difficult.

Both my psychiatrist and doctor echo the themes I have read here .. the drugs are not the answer, they will, hopefully provide a means to acquire the executive funtions that I dont have or dont use. Mostly it is up to me to retrain myself .. I find the old me was too often an impatient, verbally abusive mess. Trying to get some exercise and to stay in the present. And not talk so much :)