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Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances

Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances2010-01-28T20:11:17+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances


Post count: 14413

WOW! I KNEW IT!….I KNEW IT!! (laughing out loud….!!!)

When you say that : I can’t work 9 to 5 to save my life (if there’s no reason, other than money, to be there).

But, I will happily work 5 to 9 (that’s 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.), 7 days a week, if the arena catches my fancy.

I’m struggling about that lately…FInding THE right job for me…since I’M 45 and cannot fit a job for over few months whtitout getting sick after that period of time….well, i guess that I dd’nt find the right med..yet…I have to find a specialist first!

But now I look to help my younger boy because I think he have ADD…(trouble concentring, easily distracted in school, but he is SOOOO funny….!))

Thanks Fearwidg!! :O)