The Forums › Forums › The Workplace › ADHD-Friendly Careers › Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass › Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass
I definitely agree Rick about the contentment factor in relation to TV watching. It is true!!! The media has been shoving the idea in our heads that we need this and need that for happiness, and especially for kids now growing up with those messages, that would lead to a lack of contentment for anyone! It’s feeding our ego so that we don’t have to look inward at ourselves and grow as people and find happiness that way. I hope one day that will be a larger message on TV…that you don’t need things to make you happy! That you have an imagination to do that! I remember as a kid having more fun playing with my grandma’s colourful button collection, and making forts out of dish towels, or rocket ships out of comforters, then I did playing with other toys. I know that that message is certainly starting to trickle into the mainstream, but not loud enough as of yet.
Interesting Definitely have experienced that lack of contentment! haha…mainly because of the happiness factor. Personally possessions aren’t what make me happy…money certainly helps, just for the freedom factor. The freedom to be able to travel and explore is much easier when you have the funds to back up those adventures! I definitely have experienced the panic of not being like the people on TV or magazines. Not because of the materials they possess, but because of the places they are in their lives at the ages that are portrayed. They have a successful career, being financially stable, having a family, a house, kids, dogs, parents that help them out when they are financially in need….and all at the ripe ages of 25 or 30 or whatever! We’ve been conditioned to think that there is an order to things…and people have lived by this order for so many years that when you aren’t following that order you panic and feel abnormal…or a failure! You go to school…get out of school 4 years later…get a job…find a mate…buy a house…get married…have kids…retire…blah blah! BAH! Struggling to get to that “normal” order in life doesn’t help either and only blocks you your inner voice is telling you what your path is all about. It’s hard to be a fish out of water in a society that finds comfort in swimming the same stroke, down the same stream in pond of life. Or a fish out of water, when you see people put together…so figured out. I think that’s when you wish you were like everyone else. Just to get rid of that anxiety surrounding the fact that you’re not on that path…things are still in the unknown!!! You know you have a purpose in this life and the drive to reach it, but what the hell is it?? However, then there’s the scene from The Last Kiss where Zach Braff has it all figured out…has a great girl, a great job, everything planned out and he’s feeling the opposite…that there’s no surprises in life. I guess the lesson in all this is that we just need to stop looking outward and be content in the moment and stop trying to be somewhere else or fill our lives up with stuff that doesn’t really matter in the end, to fill that void.
This message is completely all over the place!!!!! sorry!