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Re: Weight Control

Re: Weight Control2010-03-04T11:52:13+00:00

Post count: 14413

Since we (or I at least) have trouble maintaining or sustaining anything I start, including losing weight, I have had to make a couple of decisions and moves. First I decided that I couldn’t be result oriented for my success. In other words – I couldn’t say that until I lost 5 pounds there was no success. The success comes in smaller chunks – not eating the chocolate bar – not eating the second portion – going to the gym.. every one of those is good… regardless of the result they might achieve. My problem has always been – since weight loss is slow, I haven’t done ‘good’ until the weight comes off and i can’t wait that long.. not with ADD! So my mind set is now I did the right thing.. pat myself on the back for it.. and carry on. The biggest issue is beating myself up if I don’t do the right thing.. if I eat the chocolate bar, etc. Since I have started to recognize the power of ADD.. we simply can’t sustain things real well.. I am starting to give myself a break…

None of this is easy… but there is some light at the end of the tunnel simply by understanding who and what you are while living with ADD…

I try not to use it as an exuse, but simply to better understand why i can’t sustain attempts… attempts at weight loss.. attempts at organzing my office… attempts at doing anything that requires sustained concentration or action over time…

I wish you success… small ones every day..