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Re: Weight Control

Re: Weight Control2010-03-10T18:55:18+00:00

Post count: 14413

I read this post and felt I have something to contribute now I’m a ADHD’er…lol,

Healthy eating is only one part to a good body weight, something even the normal person can struggle with. Exercise for 30min a day 3 times a week can actually make a huge difference.

I know everybody hates a gym, but have you ever asked your self before you even walked in Why? Why Am I going to the gym? I know when I first went to the gym almost 4 years ago I new that Exercise actually helped relieve stress and allowed you to focus on the task at hand. As an ADHD’er the gym has become one of the biggest tools in my life. Eating we can all agree is not an issue…I know this. But Exercise is actually a choice to allow your Brain to get addicted in a positive matter to something that is going to befit you.

I was reading in another forum that we( ADD, ADHD) people tend to work better under the gun which is so true, The problem I had was making Bad choices. I feel that these were the easiest choices. I feel when I am making a decision now (presently) along with my medication I am also looking at what is a good choice for my life and stability.

I’m quit smoking for 5 years this coming August going on 4 years at the gym, which if anybody tells me WOW you look great I can confidently tell them that physical features was the last reason on my list to why I went to the gym.

My trainer has also taught me about healthy eating because again its another tool in the chest.

I just want everybody to know that when trying to over come something like eating sometimes we have to look at it a little differently. And make a choice, and choose in our head what going to get us over that bump. For me it was hitting a point in my life where I had no other way but to turn a round…the kind of pressure we all thive on …in some sort of way. Harnessing that Gift in a good way can really help break some of these walls we all fight daily about.