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Re: The “fun” of Effexor withdrawal

Re: The “fun” of Effexor withdrawal2012-01-09T12:46:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants The "fun" of Effexor withdrawal Re: The “fun” of Effexor withdrawal


Post count: 14413

I was on Effexor for about 3 or 4 years. Was down to a fairly low dosage, and decided (unwisely) to take myself off, without consulting with my doctor. No major health effects, but it was unpleasant. For probably about a month I dealt with the “brain zaps”, slight vertigo, and nausea. Got through it, now only taking Adderal, fairly low dosage. Too much Adderal and I find that I am living in extreme hyperfocus, which is not pleasant either. Current dosage seems to provide me the “lift” i need to get a good days work done, and also seems to help my overall mood.

Anyway, regarding coming off Effexor, most definitely was not pleasant. Was the Effexor helping me? Hard to say exactly. Dosage had been moved up and down, but effects, if any, were subtle.