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Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions

Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions2010-04-03T02:15:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments organizers/calanders efficiency questions Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions


Post count: 173

Just a little warning about blackberries. My boyfriend has one with the “pearl” and it’s a bit of a pain because it dials 911 on its own at least once a month. (The problem is directly related to the pearl.) It’s a common enough problem that all he has to do is tell the 911 dispatcher that he has a blackberry, and they don’t bother sending the police around to the house anymore to check on things.

He’s also had trouble with the pearl falling out, and Blackberry doesn’t cover that with their warranty.

They’ve since some out with a new model that has a mini trackpad instead of the pearl, and I’d recommend checking that one out.