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Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!

Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!2011-02-21T21:30:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin! Re: Procrastination? Removed My Lynchpin!


Post count: 14413

I’ve found that making a list of things to do (without priorities), then crossing off any item when completed helps. If something doesn’t get done, I add it to the next list. If it still doesn’t get done, then it goes on the next list with an exclaimation mark. By the third list, I am able to accomplish the task knowing that I have had plenty of time to avoid it and still accomplish something.

And if all else fails, bribery (like new shoes) still works.