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Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?

Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?2010-10-12T18:18:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Is it really medication my only/best treatment? Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?


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Thank you Dr J.

HYPOmania actually does make sense. Hypo, the prefix, would connote something low or below normal – e.g. hypoglycemia, hypothyroid etc. So (hypo) mania would be (less than) mania – but more than normal. Because we’re used to referring to people as hyperactive, or just generally “hyper”, hypermania looked right.

The much maligned and misunderstood skunk is actually a beneficial creature. Peaceable and solitary by nature but not unfriendly – in fact quite playful at times. She avoid confrontations whenever possible, but if necessary, can and will stand her ground, give fair warning, then raise an unholy stink.